Little fairy clothes made for female Fairies. Although washing and drying of clothes is the fairy’s own responsibility, we are Happy to provide a washing line, should it be required. On occasion, Fairies have been known to sneak their washing in with yours. As stated in the family/fairy lease agreement, this is strictly forbidden! this set contains three items of clothing, 6 miniature wooden pegs, twine and two wooden sticks.
The Irish Fairy Door Company FD554145 Line with Female Cloth
- Little fairy clothes made for female fairies. Although washing and drying of clothes is the fairy’s own responsibility, we are happy to provide a washing line, should it be required.
- On occasion, fairies have been known to sneak their washing in with yours. As stated in the Family/Fairy Lease Agreement, this is strictly forbidden!
- This set contains three items of clothing, 6 miniature wooden pegs, twine and two wooden sticks.
- Treat your children and friends
- Great fun for all the family!